Policy Briefs
Liu, M., Liu, T., Ren, Y. and Wu, L. (2024), How Does the Adoption of e-Commerce Impact the Selling Prices of Agricultural Products? Empirical Evidence From Apple Farmers in China. Reviev of Development Economics [in print].
Furong Chen, Zhanli Sun, Yifu Zhao (2024): The effects of social capital and family income on farmers’ participation in rural public goods provision. Journal of Rural Studies,
Volume 109, 2024, 103332. -
Jiajia Li, Jun Li, Jian Zhang (2024): Can digitalization facilitate low carbon lifestyle? --Evidence from households’ embedded emissions in China, Technology in Society, 76, 102455.
- Heng Wang, Lan Fang, Hui Mao, Shaojian Chen (2022): Can e-commerce alleviate agricultural non-point source pollution? — A quasi-natural experiment based on a China's E-Commerce Demonstration City, Science of The Total Environment 846, 157423,
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